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One of the Stupidest things I have Ever Read on Climate Change

  When filliping through headlines I noticed one that had the iconic kids with signs. In bold letters it wrote that climate change could ONLY be solved by the end of capitalism.  First, we know that will not happen in the time needed to make change AND second, much like other problems, we need to use capitalism to facilitate change.  Getting enough individuals to change is harder than changing businesses and how they operate.  Why must we lie and scare people when the truth is so much simpler?  As a budding ecologist, I can say with confidence that we have the solutions…they simply need implemented. If I were to tell you that we could solve the climate crisis in a...

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It Is Time To Wake Up

We have always talked about living our dreams and doing what we want but in 2023 there is a new call to action that we need to promote. HEAL THE EARTH! You need to see where she needs help and put your efforts towards the future.   Scientists say we have less than 10 years before much of the damage is irreversible.   What are you doing today?  We will fill this blog with things you can do, items you can buy, and what is going on in the world.  For the fast change we can use businesses and government, but the long term change will be with the people. With YOU and your FAMILY. It is past time for us to...

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